What invigilatorPlus offers

Adapting to change can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. invigilatorPlus was built to simplify remote exam delivery with no compromise to security, academic integrity and processes.

System simplicity

invigilatorPlus runs as a simple browser extension, eliminating the need for students to download and install additional software. All they need to do is ensure they have a computer with an internet connection, a webcam and a microphone.

Privacy protection

invigilatorPlus respects privacy by not requiring any applet downloads or full device access. Only webcam and microphone data is collected and stored securely. Examinees can easily remove the required extension after exams.

Human-first approach

Our live invigilation and AI technology ensures swift response to incidents and fair reporting. Human proctors offer a similar in-person exam experience, surpassing AI-only platforms.

Exceptional experiences

Individualised invigilation, with low examinee-invigilator ratios and dedicated support before and during exams, reduces exam anxiety.

What our clients say

Switching to invigilatorPlus from another provider paid off. We now have peace of mind knowing that academic integrity is upheld efficiently, while our students feel more confident sitting exams online. The platform has exceeded our expectations.
Emeritus Professor Greg Whateley,
Deputy Vice Chancellor and Vice President (Academic)

The power of certainty

Whether you're a higher educational institution, professional certification body, or somewhere in between, our secure platform delivers significant organisational efficiencies for all online examinations.
Getting started

Technical requirements

You will be up and running in minutes, not months. invigilatorPlus integrates with software you’re already using, enabling your students to directly access and launch their exam with ease.

Live proctoring

Built to compliment online learning, the invigilatorPlus platform merges live monitoring and AI-assisted incident recognition to safeguard academic integrity and deliver significant organisational efficiencies during online examinations.
Integrity monitoring

Online exam compliance

A team of professional human invigilators implement exam protocols, oversee remote exam environments and address technical concerns. Intelligent AI technology identifies and records potential incidents, in accordance with your organisation’s specific guidelines.
Built for scale

Cost effective

invigilatorPlus offers scalable online exam solutions with automated processes, cutting-edge AI monitoring technology, and live human supervision. Our platform delivers credible online exams without the cost and stress of traditional in-person testing.

Ready for exam day?

Discover what unfolds during an invigilatorPlus exam, while gaining valuable tips on how to prepare for your own exam success.

Be proactive about remote exams

We understand a trusted reputation and positive student experiences are key indicators of success. At invigilatorPlus, we have incorporated these beliefs at the core of our platform, delivering the highest standard of remote testing.

Obsessively private

Exam confidentiality and data protection are maintained throughout the entire testing process in line with strict Australian privacy standards, ensuring student data is kept safe and secure at all times on the platform.

Integrity rules

Each student's environment is tailored to their unique monitoring requirements, ensuring academic integrity is preserved. Say goodbye to staggered starts and time slots, as all students now start simultaneously, no matter where they are!

Seamless support

Support facilities include personalised invigilators, live chat functions, video calls with dedicated invigilators, live technical support on the day of the exam and access to our support channel up to 48 hours prior to the start of the test.

Top talent

With invigilatorPlus, you’re backed by an experienced exam management and education technology team to provide everything you and your students need on testing day.

Perfect partnership

We conduct all online exams on your behalf, protect student privacy, ensure academic integrity and produce post-exam reports to provide you with the insights that you need every time.

Great outcomes

Offering the smartest and most effective way to facilitate high-stakes exams for Australian educators, we provide an equitable exam experience for all students wherever they may be around the world.

Secure your online exam delivery with invigilatorPlus

With a unique blend of human monitoring and AI technology, invigilatorPlus is the ideal solution for modern online education and examinations.